Friday 20 November 2009


Postmodernism is the cultral and social conditions which have replaced earlier forms of modern 20th century life. Many media texts that are said to be postmodern in style often mix irony, parody and pastiche across conventional genres. It will often refer to itself, is transparent in its constuction and blurs the boundaries between reality and representation. It's an approach to culture which sees all texts as being intertexual and meaning is mediated, rather than representative of a state of original reality.

A way to remember the coventions of postmodernism is the anagram of PAINPIPES:
Play-plays with the genre conventions etc. Also a sense of play, makes it quite funny, they do not take themselves seriously.
Aesthetics- They way it looks. Could look different or similar to another production as if it is mimicing it.
Intertexuality-referencing other texts or media forms to enable meaning to be made.
Nihilistic- total rejection of established laws and institutions.
Parody-A text which doesn't simply imitate the style of another, but instead mocks or shifts the original texts conventions in some way.
Irony- Presenting something to mean something very different from what they appear on the surface to mean. This is used homourously.
Pastiche- Directly imitating a style of another text.
Eclectism- Drawing apon multiple style or genres. Often contrasting.
Self-referential- Refers to themself.

Along with these Postmodernism often uses Hyper-reality, this characterizes the inability of consciousness to distinguish reality from fantasy.It makes things seem more than real.

1 comment:

Michael Wroe said...

This is truly excellent work. What prize would you like?