Wednesday 25 November 2009

Michael Winterbottom

Michael Winterbottom is a filmmaker who has directed sixteen films in the past thirteen years. Many of his films are incredibly postmodern, for example the film A Cock and Bull Story:

Just watching the trailer for this film you can see how post modern it is..
-Talking to the camera (self referntial) breaking the 4th wall and acknowledging the audience.

-Parody and pastiche of other Victorian dramas and actors.

-Playing with all the conventions of the genre 'You want realism, i'm a grown man in a womb!' This is also self referential as they are refering to the aims of their production on screen.

-You get too see the camera set ect, making it hyperreal as you are not sure what is part of the film and what is not. Along with this they talk about how they are going to edit the film, maing you believe you are really there.

-It's Nihilistic in a sense that it doesn't stick to any rule that film making should have, at times it seems a bit of a shamble.

-It draws apon many different genres and styles, for example it's a comedy as well as a victorian drama. It also has a documentary feel to it as well as they directly talk the camera as if they are having an interview. It also follows the prgress of the film, something many documentaries do. All these things make it quite an eclectic film to watch.

-There are reference to other texts, for example a shot of Steven Fry on the TV making it seem even more hyper real. This sort of intertexuality, using a very famous person is incredibly affective.

-Aesthetics include the contrast of Victorian to mordern day costumes.

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