Monday 22 March 2010

More postmodern examples from lessons

Charlie Brookers Newswipe:
Absoloute lol (see the meme i got in there) i love this, it's so funny!

The aim of Newswipe is to expose the inner workings of news media. The series is a comic, thoughtful and acerbic analysis of recent news coverage. Newswipe also looks at the way the news is presented to the public. Experts are on hand to pick apart certain stories and analyse the news media's obsessions.

-This is intertexual as the texts meaning is derived from other texts.
It parodies the news and urges the audience to interact and engage rather then sit there and be passive.
-It remixes culture, we see a typic set up of BBC news, not only does this make it hyperreal (as it almost seems real, how ever it's a representation of a representation!) but it shows how there are no new styles any more and it mostly a remix of old styles.
-It undemines authority as the News is generally something highly respected. However it shows breaking down of news values, showing quite a nihilistic view.

500 Days of Summer:
Best Rom Com out there really, it's classy, well made film, which has an orignal narrative and a quirky style.

-Plays with narrative conventions of time and space with a non linear narrative, umped around, starts at the end.
- Nihilistic, 'This is not a love story, it's a story about love'. Summer says how she doesn't believe in love. Little values. Different to normal conventions of a Rom Com.
-Intertexuality- Sid and Nancy references. More references to this with viral video of them acting a scene from this film.
-Irony- The Smiths, quite depressing band, ironic as it's a band that brings them together= happiness (for a while at least)
-Parody- Disney cartoon bird- intertexual and funny.
- Feminism- tables turned.
-Genres blurred: not a love story.
-Bricolage- lots of different bit of other types of filming put in for example, informational video and other black and white scenes.

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