Sunday 23 November 2008

Evalutation of our preliminary task.

Evaluation of Preliminary task

Before we do our official AS task we have had to do a preliminary exercise. This was a continuity task involving filming and editing, it had to demonstrate match on action, shot/reverse/shot and the 180-degree rule.

Together, Lizzy Morey, Sam Johnson and Kate Roby and I put together a filmed a short film of:
· A character opening a door.
· Crossing the room.
· Sitting down on a chair opposite another character.
· The characters exchanging a couple of lines of dialogue.

We filmed this in the school with Sam and me as the actors. We then uploaded it onto the Apple Macs and used the imovie software for editing. The sound effects and end credits were all off imovie too.

There were positives on our filming for example it went well and we managed to get it done quite quickly in one lesson, this meant filming wasn’t disrupted by waiting for the next lesson.

We also had good light to do the filming in, therefore the light balance wasn’t disrupted when we were filming our match on action (hand on door handle), shot reverse shot (line exchanges) and keeping the 180 degree rule.

But there were some negatives too. For example we were new to the apple macs, therefore it took us quite a long time to upload the video and it was quite difficult to use the software. Although in the end we got through this by practicing with the software.

Also our last shot had to be cut quite short because our filming was not completely straight, therefore we cut that out. Also though this is not a huge problem, it is quite noticeable

Monday 17 November 2008

AS Preliminary Task

This is the preliminary task we did for Media. We had simple intructions to make a short film.

Sunday 9 November 2008

Photographic storyboard

As part of the preliminary task for our media practical we have to do a storyboard of a short scene. I have uploaded it here.